OUR MISSION: To introduce African-Americans to a fun and exciting way to get fit, stay healthy and enjoy the beauty of the world God created for us. Although our efforts are focused on encouraging African-Americans to experience this amazing, life changing experience, we welcome ALL people to join.
GENERAL INFO Because hiking is an activity in which African-Americans are typically under- represented, our efforts are focused on encouraging them to experience this lifestyle. It’s also a great workout! Don’t be surprised if you find yourself toning up and even shedding a few pounds with regular participation. Most GGB hikes take place on Sunday mornings or afternoons at Crowders Mountain State Park. Participation is easy: Send us your cell phone number and you’ll receive a text message on Friday or Saturday to let you know the time and place of the hike each week. If you plan to attend, text back so that we will know that you’re coming. There will be a 15 min grace period from the planned time of the hike, anyone arriving after that will have to hit the trail on their own! Meanwhile, keep checking the website and blog for updates.
GGB Hikers founding members (L to R) Eve, JoVanka, and Monica atop Kings Pinnacle, Crowders Mtn State Park, Gastonia, NC